The news is even better (except for Mormons): caffeinated tea, cola and chocolate are also protective boons to lifestyle--and, unlike Viagra, no prescription needed!

Basal cell carcinoma is a slow growing skin cancer that can be the result of too much sun. So, if you're in the Mediterranean, or Paris, or any Italian city, or any American city where foodies reign you have many outdoor places to take your daily doses. They're the specialized pharmaceutical outlets known as "cafés."
Out there on the sidewalk, people are often exposed to the sun as they bask in caffeinated conversations about the troubles of the world. Their sunlight exposure as they sip may cancel out or even overwhelm the caffeine's protective effect. A clue to this possibility is that these results were based on the Nurses Health Study itself, and potential flaws the designers seem not to be aware of, but should be: that was a Harvard study (which, surprisingly, doesn't in itself make it correct), and there's little sunshine where most of their subjects' live (even Boston didn't really start getting European-style outdoor sidewalk cafés until recently, and only for a part of the year at that).
Secondly, thanks to the stalwart policies of Starbucks, most coffee drunk today is so laced with sugary calories, as noted earlier, that its contribution to your waistline and hence your heart's ill health, is probably every bit as great as the effect of the tiny dose of caffeine.

Most epidemiological studies isolate one factor (which is how you get the NY Times to pick up your findings), rather than attempt to look at the net result in any sophisticated way. Unfortunately, when you look for compensating factors you usually find them. That's because evolution produces complex genetic factors with many different roles, and our traits are affected by many of them. Stress an organism in one way, it responds in others. Viewing each trait as being independent is often a mistake.
The world is dizzyingly complex! So, perhaps the safest thing is to just take your coffee indoors, at night, save your skin -- and hope for the best.
All I want to know is, which restaurants are lying and serving only de-caf! They need to be boycotted!
We read that or heard that on several occasions, but as general statement, never about a specific place or from anyone like a waiter serving us. So many people wimp out these days, that maybe hardly anyone in the US takes full octane in evening meals at any rate.
I first heard this from friends of our daughter when they were working in their college dining hall as waiters for large events. The dining hall only made de-caf, though served both, every waiter carrying two coffee pots, colored-coded for caf or de-caf. They claimed this was a common practice. Another moral lesson learned at school.
A little web checking easily confirms what we say, as I've just discovered....
Of course, this is US only.
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