The other day, a reporter came up to do a story on the farm. One of the first things she asked was if she could have a goat massage, because the same picture here is up on the Polymeadows Farm website, and she liked what she saw. Jennifer said, yep, as soon as they'd finished talking, the woman was welcome to a massage. The goats would be delighted to oblige.
So, at the end of their tour, Jennifer lay down some fresh hay in the barn, the one where the youngest kids hang out, lent the reporter an old barn coat because she'd showed up in not-really-farm clothes (a nice pair of black leggings and a jacket) and showed her what to do. The reporter lay down and got her massage. She loved it. When she was finished, she stood up, brushed the hay off her knees, and swapped the barn coat for her own. She was ready to take off for her next stint.
"Where you going after this?" Jennifer asked.
"A wine-tasting," the woman replied.
Jennifer smiled. "Those hoof prints on the backs of your legs are going to be a nice conversation starter!"
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