Monday, March 10, 2025

Is there or isn’t there an “obstetrical dilemma”?

Someone following the obstetrical dilemma (OD) debate and discussion may be wondering, “Well, is there or isn’t there?”

I wrote two papers saying there is no obstetrical dilemma (here and here). Many others have critiqued the OD (kindly cited in the paper linked below, but see especially here). In summer 2023 a large team of researchers wrote a paper saying that there is, indeed, an ODThere is an obstetrical dilemma: Misconceptions about the evolution of human childbirth and pelvic form.  Here, I’d like to offer a way to think through that open-access paper.

As the title reveals, the paper is positioned in support of the OD and in opposition to critiques and the notion that there is no OD.

As the paper advocates for the OD, it redefines it. The new, more complex, “wider sense”, 21st Century obstetrical dilemma is this (my paraphrase):

The obstetrical dilemma is the evolutionary explanation for difficult childbirth.  Antagonistic selection on the human female pelvis and between maternal pelvis and neonatal size causes difficult childbirth. As such, the female pelvis is limited (but not necessarily *only* because of bipedal efficiency, like the old idea). And, in turn, the female pelvis limits neonatal size. Because there is no evidence of early birth, the old, original idea that human babies evolved to be born "prematurely" to solve the dilemma is dropped from the OD.

For the rest of the reading guide, I’m going to quote from the paper’s abstract. 

“Here we explain why [critiques of the OD] are important…”

The paper’s got a kind collegial tone throughout, but it’s not easy to find where they explain why critiques are important.

Calling the critiques “misconceptions” in the title is the first of many signs that the debate about the OD is based on different approaches to interpreting the facts and different beliefs about what counts as evidence. 

Calling some views misconceptions usually means that disagreements are not valid. But, the critiques are valid. Here are the major themes of disagreement between OD advocates and critics:

(1) how evolution works, specifically, how to conceive of and narrate nature/life/existence

(2) what we can and cannot say (based on what we can and cannot know) about how evolution occurred in the past, including selection pressures, adaptation, and causation, as well as whether something in the past or present has been, or is, prevented from evolving

(3) what sex differences in pelvic morphology and locomotion do and do not tell us about how evolution has occurred in the past

(4) what data from hospital births do or do not say about the evolution of birth, specifically regarding the fit between pelvis and neonate

(5) what data from the following births do or do not say about the evolution of birth, specifically regarding the fit between pelvis and neonate: teen births, births of those who’ve been circumcised, births in the “fistula belt” of Africa, births of the undernourished and in the context of disease, and births where community midwifery has been eradicated (passively or actively) by colonialism and capitalism but the nearest hospital is hours and hours away  

“… but [the critiques] do not invalidate evolutionary explanations of human childbirth.”

Throughout the paper, the obstetrical dilemma is referred to as “the” evolutionary explanation. It’s synonymous with that phrase. I take that to mean that the authors believe there is only one way to think evolutionarily about childbirth difficulty.

The authors agree with critiques of the OD that we are not born early, so this part of the O.G. OD is removed. (I've rather enjoyed saying that "without a solution, then where’s the dilemma?") This new common ground, say the authors, does not invalidate the OD.

Above all, this assertion (that critiques do not invalidate the OD) raises the important question: What would “invalidate” the “obstetrical dilemma”?

“Compared to other primates, modern humans face high rates of maternal and neonatal morbidity [trauma and illness] and mortality [death] during childbirth.”

Do the authors state those rates anywhere in the paper?

Do they state what role the pelvis or the tight fit play in those rates?

“We argue that evolutionary research does not hinder appropriate midwifery and obstetric care, nor does it promote negative views of female bodies.”

Can you find these arguments? What are they based on?

How does “understanding the evolutionary entanglement of biological and sociocultural factors underlying human childbirth help us to understand individual variation in the risk factors of obstructed labor”?

And how does that, in turn, “contribute to more individualized maternal care”?

“We present robust empirical evidence and solid evolutionary theory supporting an OD, yet one that is much more complex than originally conceived in the 20th century.”

Section by section, what is the empirical evidence that is presented? 

What is the solid evolutionary theory that supports the OD?

Do they mention what would invalidate the OD?


Maybe I’ll write a follow-up post with my own answers to those questions. Maybe not. 

But I will add that I was wrong to refer to the obstetrical dilemma as a hypothesis. Originally, I did so in hopes of shaking it loose from its automatic treatment as fact, which I had been doing (like so many others) until I started looking into it (originally just to roll around in the evidence like a pig in shit, definitely not expecting to find none!).

It’s not a hypothesis. I can’t think of a way to test it, let alone test it against alternative explanations (yes, including evolutionary ones). And I’ve never seen anyone describe how to test it, or alternatives, either. There is also a sense (that I get from students) that if the “EGG hypothesis” is wrong then the OD is right. But that’s not logical, either. In science, we should be free to reject a story regardless of whether or not there is a new one to take its place.

There is no falsifying or failing to falsify the obstetrical dilemma. And that makes the advocacy for the idea so disorienting to me. It’s existential, which is why I struggle to engage anymore on this topic. I do not think like so many/most (?) biological anthropologists, so I do not feel like I belong with them or as one anymore and that’s not been an easy feeling. There is no demonstrating that the pelvis cannot evolve to be wider, or that babies cannot evolve to be smaller, or that the fit between mother and neonate cannot be loosened so that childbirth can evolve to be easier. There is no demonstrating the obstetrical dilemma.

The obstetrical dilemma is a state of mind and a narrative that interprets extremely messy, culturally shaped phenomena (and interpretations thereof) that the authors call “empirical evidence” with “solid evolutionary theory” colored by adaptationism, determinism, optimization, and knowable tradeoffs. As long as people believe there is only one way to think evolutionarily about difficult childbirth, then the obstetrical dilemma will seem like the obvious, hands-down, no-contest way to explain it. And it will be framed as “the” or “the only” evolutionary explanation, as the authors have.

But we can think evolutionarily and also see no need for the obstetrical dilemma framework to explain difficult childbirth. We evolved. Our pelvis is unique. Our babies are too. Childbirth can be difficult. But the OD is unknowable and we don’t need it to know that evolution is true.

Further, Crucial Resources (because the stakes are not low when it comes to our scientific narratives)


Birth Control by Allison Yarrow

Birth and the Big Bad Wolf: Biocultural Evolution and Human Childbirth, Part 1 by Melissa Cheney and Robbie Davis-Floyd




Monday, February 17, 2025

Happy Presidents Day! (or the millionth take on why POTUS is wrong about sex)

It’s presidents day. Here’s my protest.

"Biological sex" and “the biological reality of sex” are terms reacting to what the same people call “woke” “gender ideology”. They look at what’s happening to gender and sexuality and think it’s unnatural. But, lucky for them, they don’t have to impolitely call their fellow human beings “unnatural”, because they think science, facts, and reason are on their side. They’re wrong.  

Sex is already biology. Everyone gets that. We don’t need to be redundant and call sex “biological sex” or “the biological reality of sex.” That anyone does is a dead giveaway that we’re dealing with a political perspective and not raw, objective science, here.  The political goal of POTUS’s “biological truth” executive order seems to be to demarcate cis and transwomen, but it’s really to uphold their definition of men. To keep amassing power and enacting that power, they really need men to be what they believe men to be. How do they do that?

They must exclude males (Y chromosomes, certain gonads, certain genitals, certain circulating T levels, etc) from "woman" so that their idea of what a man is can reign and their idea is this: a man is not, and cannot be, a woman. (If you read this and hear “ew” as their punctuation, then we’re the same.)

The distinction between the sexes is fundamental to their belief system. The separateness. (And the reduction of human beings to meat puppets.) This is how evangelical Christianity and Darwinian evolution can sound like slightly mad-libbed versions of each other. This is how Americans who believe that gender roles, gender expression, and sexuality are 100% innate (and any deviations have been led astray by the devil) can believe that science is on their side.

But Man and Woman are not concepts that science can objectively, unilaterally define because “man” and "woman" are concepts that people have constructed over time, have done so differently in different cultures, and are continuing to construct. Like right now. Historians, cultural anthropologists, and countless other scholars, and, also, people simply living their lives and communicating their experiences teach us all this and more.

So of course when people believe that there are natural categories for humans that distinguish man from woman and that they are written in our human biology, there is going to be a problem. And that’s really a problem, now, as we’ve ceded so much authority to STEM. All one has to do is appeal to the STEM gods and suddenly, no matter how Biblical your beliefs, you’re way more rational than anyone else can possibly be. Tradwives? They’re just enacting the science. It’s all in Darwin

Sure, people are typically born with either XY or XX chromosomes, and that’s one way to define sex, but all people are born into a world of gender, and into a specific gendered context. XX typically grow up into women, but they are not born women. XY typically grow up into men, but they are not born men. And if you don’t believe anyone is born a woman or a man, then you understand why defining “woman” or “man” is a challenge.

Beyond describing a woman as “someone who becomes who they are in this world (where there are strong feelings about what a woman is) since being born with the typical genitalia that correlates with XX chromosomes”, defining "woman" is pretty tough to do without a lot of exceptions and including a lot of variation. Who decides where that variation ends? Apparently POTUS. And when does a girl become a woman? Is it when she gets her period? When she has sex? When she gets her first paycheck? When she gets married? When? And to whom does it matter most: to herself or to others? That is, who gets to say when she’s a woman? Does she get to say it about herself, or is it up to someone else? Funnily enough, the people who emphasize biology to the point of excluding the power of culture (or “gender ideology”) prefer to make it up to someone else.

One way to control the definition of "woman" is to swing the hammer of science as if your view of “ woman” is the correct, natural one. But that's politics, not facts. And it’s no more obviously political than when Dawkins wrote in the New Statesman that, "A woman is an adult human female, free of Y chromosomes."[1] It sounds like basic obvious common-sense science.

But here’s where the politics/culture tells on itself: a woman is “free” of Y chromosomes? Wow. Dawkins explains the material existence of a fully formed person by what has never been present, materially, in that person.[2] It’s a bit Freudian, wouldn’t you say? A good rational default scientific explanation describes what you observe. If you observe a woman and describe what is lacking, then that’s saying more about you than about the woman.

To describe a woman as “free of Y chromosomes”[3] is to say that to be a woman is to be NOT a man. That definition is absolutely key to defining men as definitely NOT women. “Biological sex” adherents are doing gender harder than the “gender ideology” folks they abhor and over whom they claim intellectual superiority.

"Biological sex" and “the biological reality of sex” are not about biological facts; they’re about staking a claim on gender norms by excluding the Y chromosomes from "woman" to exclude transwomen, and thereby reifying what is Man, as is necessary for them to hold onto power.

It’s almost like these unscientific authoritarian Old Testament-compatible beliefs about nature that are wielded to control our private personal livelihoods have shaped us into rebels…


1. I heard this from PZ Myers but can't find the blog post so I'm linking to the whole site:

2. People, including myself, love to point out that many women have Y chromosomes all through their bodies since gestating XY fetuses.

3. Choosing to say “free” rather than “lacking” is no doubt intentional. It’s kindly avoiding any whiff of calling women deficient, but it’s consciously stigmatizing the Y chromosome, denigrating toxic maleness, in defense of women! It’s the same bullshit either way.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

This Year's (2024) Textbook-free Human Origins and Evolution

I’m still teaching APG 201 Human Origins and Evolution to an auditorium of 120 students every Fall semester. Unlike what students do at other universities, there is no weekly small-group lab for a fourth credit because we do not have graduate students to teach those.  

And, I’m still teaching the course without a textbook, but there are readings galore (one from a textbook!) and they can always use this free textbook as a resource if they’d like: 

In case it helps anyone, I'm sharing a bit about the course and all but the very last prompt (aka assignments) they have to address in their Book of Origins (moleskine) in preparation for each class. There are 37. If you’d like to try something like this, let me know and I’ll share my detailed instructions for students regarding the Book of Origins. I’ve seen it all go sideways every which way possible, so the instructions are now bullet-proof.  The one thing I'll make clear here is that students have to fill at least one page to complete each assignment and they may do so by writing or drawing, but if they draw they must write an explanation for their drawing (as in, they must write enough to make it clear why the drawing is there on the page.)

APG 201 Human Origins and Evolution


This is a course about how you evolved. This is your natural history. To write it, we will learn from biological and evolutionary anthropologists who study human and nonhuman primate biology, behavior, diversity, adaptation, and evolution to better understand the human species and explain how we arrived at our current condition: Incessantly chattering, tailless, furless, culturally dependent, big-brained, bipedal creatures who are diverse in appearance and culture and inhabit nearly all types of habitats on Earth. Along our journey we will ask ourselves how we know what we know. We will also address, head-on why so much of this material is culturally controversial. The science of human evolution and its dissemination into the popular imagination has a long history of racism and sexism. In this course we will address that history by identifying outdated and mistaken evolutionary thinking. A long tradition of making Homo sapiens the hero of human origins and evolution is one major cause of this problem, which is why we take a biographical approach to our natural history, running through the human lifespan, instead of marching progressively up through the sandstones of time towards a destined triumph (as the story often, unscientifically, goes). Here, we take back our evolutionary history, scrubbing the story from the facts and evidence, making it fit for all humankind. And, who knows? Maybe we’ll find that the truth is lovelier than fiction.

Required Materials

1. Moleskine* Classic Collection, hardcover book, any color, 5 x 8 1/4 inch (these page dimensions are required) and must have at least 96 pages (though the ones with 240 pages seem easiest to purchase), ruled/dotted/unruled/ etc is your choice. You will be writing and drawing in this book so lined or dotted pages are recommended over completely blank ones. *You may purchase a different brand other than Moleskine, but the page size is required and so is a book-ish spine (not a spiral wire).

2.   A Most Interesting Problem: What Darwin’s Descent of Man Got Right and Wrong about Human Evolution by (editor) Jeremy DeSilva. Buy/rent/borrow this anywhere you wish. Feel free to read the digital, Kindle, or audio versions. I put a copy of this book on reserve at the library.


Exam 1                                              15%

Exam 2                                              15%

Book of Origins                               50% (due on the last day of class and graded once, then)

Final Exam                                       20%

Total                                                  100%

Exams take place in the classroom and will consist of true-false, multiple choice, and questions that ask for short written answers, maybe fill-in-the blank, maybe a paragraph or two. Practice questions will emerge in class throughout the semester. The first exam is on the material since the start of the course. The second exam is based on the material since the first exam. The final exam is cumulative, so based on the entire course, but you will be able to use your Book of Origins for reference during the Final Exam.

 Book of Origins

Prompt 1. Consider these questions and (without fear) write your responses in your notebook or directly into your Book of Origins. Address all 10 questions. Who’s your audience? You right now and your future self.  

 1.      What is evolution? (i.e. What do you know about evolution as of today?)

 2.      What do you know about human evolution as of today?

 3.      What are you interested in learning about human evolution?

4.      Is human evolution, in general, something positive, negative, or neutral to you? 

 5.      If someone asked you to tell them the story of human evolution, what story would you tell them?

 6.      Do you consider human evolution to literally be a “story”? Why or why not?

 7.      Past students in this course have said that “evolution is racist” and that “evolution is sexist.” What do you think they were talking about? How do we fix this?

 8.      Make a note to your future self that explains that whatever future-you is about to read in this book could be riddled with misunderstandings and errors or that it may contain perspectives and opinions that have changed since you wrote them. Explain to your future self why it may contain those things.

 9.      Draw yourself, a part of yourself, or a symbol or symbols that represent yourself.

10.   And, finally, on the next page jot down something separate from all of the above (but it can be related/redundant, that’s fine): What’s one thing you’re taking away from class today that matters to you? And see if you can explain (as brief as you’d like) why it matters to you.


Prompt 2. The Scientific Process!  To do this assignment, you must choose one of the well-known and established observations listed below (A, B, or C):

A) In most humans, the right humerus (upper arm bone) is larger than the left one.

B) Chimpanzees living in zoos tend to weigh more than their relatives living in the wild.

C) Among infant chimps, females ride on their mothers for longer than males, who start walking independently more frequently at a younger age than females.

Next, without using anything but your own mind…

1.      If you had to choose one of those observations to study (try to explain) in real life, which would it be and why? 

2.      Represent that observation with an illustration or a graphic (i.e. what’s called a “figure” in a scientific paper) as if you had data (which you do not, so numbers are unnecessary, or you may make some up).

3.      How would you verify the observation? Offer up a way to verify it. That is, describe the steps you would take to establish that it is a correct observation (and lend credence to its factuality). In other words, how would you go about making this observation for yourself, seeing it for yourself? While scientists and scholars look to the scientific literature (articles and books) or to published datasets, those are not options for your answer today. What would you do "in the field" (either with human skeletons or with live chimpanzees) to see for yourself (a.k.a. verify) either a, b or c?

4.      Now, go ahead and accept your observation (a,b,or c) as fact (because it is) and explain that one observation. Come up with at least two hypotheses/explanations for that observation. This is brainstorming, and is part of the scientific process.  Again, like with #1, do not google around; use nothing but your own mind if at all possible. Have no fear. This is a playground!

a.      Need a refresher or a foundation on the scientific process and what “hypotheses” are? Go to here: (pages 1-21 are awesome).

5.      Briefly describe how you would test at least one of these hypotheses/explanations for a, b, or c.  Include discussion of the methods and variables/types of data, and the kinds of evidence that you would need to find to both refute and to support each hypothesis.

6.      What might be some limitations and obstacles to explaining the observation?

7.      What is the value in studying this?


Prompt 3. Read the Preface (by Jeremy DeSilva) and Introduction (by Janet Browne) in A Most Interesting Problem, then write and/or draw what you found to be meaningful, significant, or noteworthy in the readings. If struggling to identify that information, then pull out what you have questions about, what you’d like to learn more about, what you’re uncertain about, what surprised you, what relates to other material we have already covered in the course, or what may relate to what you anticipate we will cover down the road. (Remember to title the page or do something to make this page make sense to future you.)

Prompt 4. Know Your Apes:  For all seven of these critters--gibbons, siamangs, orangutans, gorillas, bonobos, chimpanzees, and humans--use at least one page per ape to answer the following questions. Complete sentences are not necessary, as long as the info is there. Get your information from  these excellent websites listed below (and more information will come in class, soon). The only snafu you may encounter is researching humans and if that's the case, just do your best with what you know about humans, as a human.

·        Explorations (open access textbook):

·        Animal Diversity Web: 

·        Primate Factsheets:

·        Hominoid fact sheets:

·        Encyclopedia of Life:

·        Time Tree:

·        What is a bonobo?

1. [printout/paste, draw, or trace (your choice) a picture of the ape]

2. What is the species? (for some apes, there are multiple species, so choose only one)
3. Where does it live on Earth?
4. Describe its habitat.
5. Is your primate nocturnal, diurnal, or crepuscular?
6. What does it eat?
7. How does it move about?
8. How does it socialize? (i.e. solitary? groups?...)
9. How does it raise offspring? (i.e. solitary? groups?...)
10. Body size? (report pounds or lbs; to convert from kg type “convert x kg to lbs” into google)
11. Are male and female different in body size?
12. What does it look like? Color? Fur?
13. What are its threats to survival?
14. At what point in the past ("MYA" = millions of years ago) did it share a most recent (aka “last”) common ancestor with humans? (go to  to find out; type the ape and human into the two different fields and then allow to provide the estimate for how many millions of years ago our lineage parted ways with this ape’s)

Prompt 5. Based on lecture/discussion/handout, answer the following questions. (Remember to either include the question or answer in a way that the reader understands without knowing the question.):

·        What's the relevance of Linnaeus to our course?

·        What's an example of a homologous trait among vertebrates, link it to your body.

·        Why are you a primate?

·        Which nonhuman ape is the best ape? (Make a case for one ape being the best ape.) Suggest a possible reason why your professor asked you this question.

Prompt 6. Read Chapter 1 by Alice Roberts in A Most Interesting Problem, then write and/or draw what you found to be meaningful, significant, or noteworthy in the readings. If struggling to identify that information, then pull out what you have questions about, what you’d like to learn more about, what you’re uncertain about, what surprised you, what relates to other material we have already covered in the course, or what may relate to what you anticipate we will cover down the road. (Remember to title the page or do something to make this page make sense to future you.)

Prompt 7. Read Chapter 6 by John Hawks in A Most Interesting Problem, then write and/or draw what you found to be meaningful, significant, or noteworthy in the readings. If struggling to identify that information, then pull out what you have questions about, what you’d like to learn more about, what you’re uncertain about, what surprised you, what relates to other material we have already covered in the course, or what may relate to what you anticipate we will cover down the road. (Remember to title the page or do something to make this page make sense to future you.)

Prompt 8. Observe like an evolutionary biologist

·        Go to 

·        Based on what you see at that resourceful website, draw the os coxa (half of the pelvis) of a chimpanzee and a human, in at least one page. (Do not worry about your artistic skill, but try your best. Drawing is an effective technique, used by scientists, for understanding anatomy.)

o   Describe the similarities and differences in anatomy between chimp and human pelves/pelvises. (Do not worry about applying technical jargon.)

o   Question: What kinds of behavioral differences might correlate with the anatomical differences in the pelvis and why?

·        Next, draw the skull (including teeth) of a chimpanzee and a human, in at least one page.

o   Describe the similarities and differences in anatomy between chimp and human skulls and teeth. 

o   Question: What kinds of behavioral differences might correlate with the anatomical differences in skulls and teeth and why?


Prompt 9. Hominin Hall of Fame. Make 7 separate informational, fact-filled baseball-like, Pokémon-like, etc cards or hall of fame plaques. Put each one on a separate page of your book.

·         “Ardi"

·        “Lucy” (A.L. 288-1)

·        (choose one) The “Taung Child” or the “Dikika child” (a.k.a. Selam)

·        The “Nariokotome Boy” aka the “Turkana Boy” (KNM-WT 15000)

·        Shanidar 1

·        Liang Bua 1 (LB 1) nicknamed “The Hobbit”

·        one for any individual (dead or alive) you wish for “Homo sapiens” 

In addition to course materials, especially Hailie-Selassie’s chapter in A Most Interesting Problem, you may want to look to the Smithsonian’s Human Origins page: Google is fine too, but beware! That Google brings the Smithsonian up for me, first (or nearly first), for all those hominins up there warms my heart. Wikipedia is fine too. But be sure to check your book and the Smithsonian first.

This response is complete as long as there are seven pages, but you do not literally need to fill the page with facts. You can fill each page with an image and include very few meaningful facts, if you wish.

The more facts the merrier, though! And as you make your pages, ask yourself... Why do these individuals and species matter? What is interesting? What do we know? What don’t we know? How do they relate to you? How do you relate to them? 

[Aside from the very last prompt, all the responses from now on are only 1 page. Whew!]

Prompt 10. Watch Lice and Human Evolution (PBS NOVA, 10 min) .  Write and/or draw what you found to be meaningful, significant, or noteworthy in the readings. If struggling to identify that information, then pull out what you have questions about, what you’d like to learn more about, what you’re uncertain about, what surprised you, what relates to other material we have already covered in the course, or what may relate to what you anticipate we will cover down the road. 

Prompt 11. Monkeys all the way down? This is a two-part prompt.

a.      Read “Monkeys all the way down” by Dunsworth ( ) then answer this question: Did we evolve from monkeys and apes? Explain.

b.      Calmly and kindly respond to a hypothetical, but agitated friend or family member who says, “If we evolved from apes, then why are there still apes?” Write and/or draw your response to them in one page, minimum. And don’t forget to title it so that future you knows what’s happening on this page.

Prompt 12. Are we apes? Provide both a yes and no answer with reasoning to back each.  While doing so, reveal whether you side with yes, no, or neither, and explain why that is. Here are some entertaining resources that may help you form either or both of your answers. If we have time, we will discuss this question in class.

·        The side of no, we aren't:

o   You Are Not an Ape! Jon Marks at TEDxEast (17 mins):

·        The side of yes, we are apes:

o   Wrongheaded anthropologist claims that humans aren’t apes:


Prompt 13.  Scenario-building or storytelling?

Without looking anything up (except to find and observe pictures of the primates or to look up terminology, like in that open access/free textbook I posted on Brightspace, or in the online Merriam Webster dictionary, etc etc), write an answer for each of the questions below. It is crucial that you DO NOT GOOGLE THESE QUESTIONS or type them into AI chat thingies or anything at all. I forbid you from asking anyone or any algorithm the questions, below, because thinking them through is the point of the exercise. Exercise your freedom to think and imagine based on where you are now. To complete this response you need to provide 5 answers, one for each question below. It's totally possible to do all five answers in total within that one page minimum. If you're not feeling brief, then, as always, feel free to go over the one page minimum. Your answer to each question, below, is a hypothesis (a good guess) to explain the evolution of each of the five phenomena. These are evolutionary scenarios that you are writing. This is brainstorming only, so have no fear of being wrong, but be clear.

1. How did the mandrill (monkey) get that colorful face? What about the rear (which looks like the face)?
2. How did the black and white colobus monkey (a leaf-eater or folivore) get a long, specialized gut?
3. How did gorillas become the largest primate?
4. How did silverback gorillas become twice as big as females?
5. How did humans become “naked”? (i.e. how did we come to be less furry than the other primates)?


Prompt 14.  Go here and read this article by evolutionary biologist John H. Macdonald:

When you get to the part that says “Summary for worried parents” read through those points and choose at least one to dig into more deeply by clicking on the trait and learning more.  Write up and/or draw what you learned, what it means to you, and what you’re left wondering.

For each of those human traits (in that list of bullet-points in the article), there is a myth that one form is recessive. (It’s based in the larger myth that all genes have a dominant and a recessive allele.) If that were true, then two parents with the recessive trait could not have a child with the dominant trait. And, if that were the case, then it would be possible to look at these traits in a person and know something about their biological paternity. We cannot.


Prompt 15. Read “Things Genes Can’t Do” by Weiss and Buchanan (Aeon) 

Then, just like with the readings you’ve already done, write and/or draw what you found to be meaningful, significant, or noteworthy in the readings. If struggling to identify that information, then pull out what you have questions about, what you’d like to learn more about, what you’re uncertain about, what surprised you, what relates to other material we have already covered in the course, or what may relate to what you anticipate we will cover down the road. (Remember to title the page or do something to make this page make sense to future you.) But, also, be sure to highlight (by writing about it) what you believe is the most important point that Weiss and Buchanan make and explain it. 


For any readings below that lack specific questions for you to answer, this is the prompt: Write and/or draw what you found to be meaningful, significant, or noteworthy in the readings. If struggling to identify that information, then pull out what you have questions about, what you’d like to learn more about, what you’re uncertain about, what surprised you, what relates to other material we have already covered in the course, or what may relate to what you anticipate we will cover down the road. (Remember to title the page or do something to make this page make sense to future you.)

Prompt 16. Read “Where did they all go? How Homo sapiens became the last human species left” in The Guardian

Prompt 17. What are some important things you have learned so far in the course (whether in the classroom or in responding to prompts)? Be sure to explain why they are important, in the world or to you, personally.

Prompt 18. Read “Social and Biopolitical Dimensions of Evolutionary Thinking” by Jonathan Marks and Adam Johnson


Prompt 19. Read “The Coronavirus is Mutating” (Washington Post) (posted on Brightspace).

·        Note/quote the parts of the text that refer to genetic drift (even though it is a term which is never uttered in the article).

·        Note/quote the parts of the text that refer to natural selection (whether it says the term or not).

·        Next, there is a preference (or something like it), in this article, for natural selection-based explanations? If so, then why do you think so? If not, then why do you think that Prof. Dunsworth asked about it?


Prompt 20. The future loss of wisdom teeth in our species? For this assignment, read this long preamble, and then the short news article pasted there, and then answer questions A, B, and C.


• Most of us were taught incorrectly or led, wrongly, to believe that 'evolution' = 'natural selection' which implies that all evolution occurs through natural selection. This leads us to see every evolutionary scenario, all the way from fairy tale ones to the most scientifically legitimate ones, as natural selection. This is, of course, not a correct understanding of evolution.

• Natural selection can result in new adaptations or in the elimination of bad traits. The former is "positive" selection, the latter is "negative" and is always occurring no matter what. Positive selection does happen but is not easy to test, since natural selection occurs via differential reproductive success, but "survival of the lucky" alleles via genetic drift can look exactly the same by increasing and decreasing allele frequencies just by chance. The difference between the two (natural selection and genetic drift) is that, in a selection scenario, the trait that's evolving is causing the differential reproduction (whether enhancing or inhibiting, even if ever so slightly affecting it slowly over time), but in a drift scenario the trait is "drifting" (like on the surface of the ocean) to lower or higher frequencies over the generations merely due to chance (unlinked to the trait in question) effects on differential reproduction and due to chance passing of one allele or the other to offspring. Like selection, drift can completely fix or completely eliminate traits! Genetic drift is always occurring, and so is negative selection to some degree (the disappearance of mutations that prevent survival and reproduction, which is to say their own existence) and positive selection to some degree (the rise in prevalence of mutations, new or old, that enhance survival and reproduction, which is to say that they contribute to their own existence).

Read this short news story:

Wisdom teeth might be lost as people continue to evolve: Why the modern diet may make wisdom teeth unnecessary About 25 to 35 per cent of people will never get their wisdom teeth by Astrid Lange Toronto Star Library, Jun 25 2013

Wisdom teeth are the third and final set of molars that most people get in their late teens or early 20s. But not everyone does — the American Dental Association estimates that about 25 to 35 per cent of people will never get their wisdom teeth. Another 30 per cent will only get 1 to 3 of them. Anthropologists believe wisdom teeth evolved due to our ancestors' diet of coarse, rough food — leaves, roots, nuts and meat — which required more chewing power and resulted in excessive wear of the teeth. Since people are no longer ripping apart meat with their teeth and the modern diet is made of softer foods, wisdom teeth have become less useful. In fact, some experts believe we are on an evolutionary track to losing them altogether.

Now, respond to A, B, and C. 

A.     Briefly explain the evolutionary mechanism behind the evolutionary scenario for future wisdom tooth loss that the author of the news article above alludes to. In other words, think about what the writer is really hypothesizing for future human evolution and rephrase their explanation, but scientifically, in terms of all or just some of the four main mechanisms of evolution that we discussed in class which are mutation, gene flow, genetic drift, and selection. Important! Banned words for your scenario include: Need(s/ed/ing), want(s/ed/ing), try(s/ed/ing), best, most and fittest.


B.     Write out an alternative scenario where selection is responsible for the loss of wisdom teeth in our future selves. If it's not obvious, this will be a significantly different scenario from what the writer has imagined in the news article and from what you wrote in response to 'a.' Important! Banned words for your scenario include: Need(s/ed/ing), want(s/ed/ing), try(s/ed/ing), best, most, and fittest.


C. Having 0-3 (instead of all 4) wisdom teeth develop is a fairly common phenotype out there just like the previous article said, and it probably includes people in APG 201.There's a story out there in science and in pop culture that, because we evolved to have smaller jaws in the last six million years of hominin evolution, natural selection is currently favoring people who don't form wisdom teeth at all. That is, people think that there are people who don't develop all four wisdom teeth because it's adaptive not to, because our jaws are so small and it's a health risk to fit all those teeth in a small jaw. They explain this pattern of human variation with natural selection (the way we legitimately do with skin pigmentation variation) and it helps justify third molar extraction. Now, knowing (1) that there's all kinds of dental variation in humans, deviating from what's typical, in terms of which teeth they do or do not develop and that's also true for apes who have large, roomy jaws, and live in the wild, and (2) a bit (from skimming) the mind-blowing information in this brief article "The Prophylactic Extraction of Third Molars: A Public Health Hazard" .... WHAT'S YOUR TAKE on that just-so story about humans who naturally don't develop wisdom teeth because it is adaptive no to? As far as evolutionary scenarios go, is that story good, bad, neutral, or otherwise? And, does that evolutionary thinking justify us getting our wisdom teeth routinely, prophylactically removed?

Prompt 21. Deciphering and polishing your evolutionary scenarios. Look back at the answers to the following that you wrote in an earlier prompt several days ago….
1. How did the mandrill get that colorful face? What about the rear (which looks like the face)?
2. How did the colobus monkey (a leaf-eater or folivore) get a long, specialized gut?
3. How did gorillas become the largest primate?
4. How did silverback gorillas become twice as big as females?
5. How did humans become “naked”? (i.e. how did we come to be less furry than the other primates)?

For each of those evolutionary scenarios that you wrote in an earlier response/chapter in your book, label (consider using a different color ink than what you used to write, originally) which evolutionary mechanisms (mutation, drift, selection, gene flow)) that you hypothesized were at work in each of your scenarios. Back then, you probably didn’t use all the terms and ideas we covered in class more recently, but you may have been getting at some of them in other words.

Next, on this page for this response, rewrite a scientifically improved version of each of the four explanations you wrote earlier.  Make them more scientifically accurate by using the four main mechanisms of evolution and using their terms as you write: mutation, gene flow, genetic drift, and natural selection. You may need to just change a few words or you may need to completely revise the entire answer, it depends on what you originally wrote. Brief can be excellent!  Important! Banned words include: Need(s/ed/ing), want(s/ed/ing), try(s/ed/ing), best, most, and fittest.


Prompt 22. Read Chapter 2 by Suzana Herculano-Houzel in A Most Interesting Problem

Prompt 23. Read “When Did Sex Become Fun?” by Dunsworth (Sapiens)

Prompt 24. Read Chapter 8 by Mike Ryan in A Most Interesting Problem

Prompt 25. Choose one and read it: “Do Animals Know that Sex Makes Babies?” by Dunsworth (posted on Brightspace) or “Sex Makes Babies” by Dunsworth and Buchanan:

Prompt 26.  Read (or thoughtfully skim!) the article "There is no 'obstetrical dilemma: Towards a braver medicine with fewer childbirth interventions" by Dunsworth. (posted on Brightspace) And then answer the following questions as you write and/or draw your one-page response:

·        What is the obstetrical dilemma hypothesis?

·        Is it familiar to you at all, even if you never heard what it's called?

·        What is at least one criticisms of, or problem with, the obstetrical dilemma hypothesis? 


Not required: For those who are especially interested in this topic, check out (and feel free to incorporate as a resource) "Childbirth, Explained" which is on Netflix as an episode of Sex Explained (2020): 

Prompt 27 – Cro-Magnon  You. This is a two-part assignment, but you need only fill one page. (1) Describe an ancient a-ha moment, or circumstance of any kind, big or small, between 7 million and 10,000 years ago (basically any time in hominin prehistory) that you would have loved to have experienced or witnessed. It could be straight out of your imagination or it could be inspired by a scene from a movie, book, or game. (2) Draw what you would etch, draw, scrawl, or paint on your cave wall today, or anytime in earth's history.

Prompt 28Read “The mystery of early milk consumption in Europe” in Nature (News)

Prompt 29 - Taking into account the information you've learned from the course materials, revisit the drawings of the hips of a chimp and a human that you did for an earlier prompt several days ago. Now, explain the similarities and differences in the skeletal anatomy of the chimp and human hips (aka pelves). Feel free to resketch these bones, or not, to accompany your explanations for why they are similar and why they are different. 

Prompt 30. Read Chapter 9 by Dunsworth in A Most Interesting Problem

Prompt 31. Choose one of these articles in Scientific American, and read it: “To follow the real human diet, eat everything” or “Does Humanity Have to Eat Meat?” (both are posted on Brightspace)

Prompt 32. Read Chapter 3 by Hare in A Most Interesting Problem

Prompt 33. What are some important things you have learned so far in the course (whether in the classroom or in responding to prompts)? Be sure to explain why they are important, in the world or to you, personally.

Prompt 34. The True Story of Ota Benga. Read and/or listen to the following: From the Belgian Congo to the Bronx Zoo (NPR):, then react meaningfully and make sure to address the following: What is a link between racism and evolutionary theory and what do you think about it?

Not required: These are two highly recommended literary contributions to what we're grappling with, which is why I posted pdfs of each on Brightspace.

1.      [Note! This is a fictional account based on the real history.] A True and Faithful Account of Mr. Ota Benga the Pygmy, Written by M. Berman, Zookeeper – Mansbach

2.      [Note! This is very dark sarcasm and not to be taken literally.] How to Write About Africa – Wainaina (Granta):

 Prompt 35. Ancestry is not race is not human biological variation is not race is not ancestry. Distinguish all three of those phenomena in humans (ancestry, race, and human biological variation) from one another. For "race" you must stick to humans. Whatever people call a "race" in other organisms is not race in humans. Be sure to consider why is it important, or why it matters that we make these distinctions between these three concepts. You must find a quote to use in your answer from Ch. 7 by Fuentes in A Most Interesting Problem) and you must quote or cite at least 1 other resource from the list below in your answer. If any link leads you to a paywall, don’t pay a dime; there’s a good chance you can get past the paywall through the URI library. (If you need assistance using the library to find any of these, I’m available to help! Or choose another article that’s not subscription based!)

·        Human Races are not like dog breeds - Norton et al. (EEO) SEE GLOSSARY OF TERMS AT THE VERY BOTTOM

·        Chapter 15: Ten Facts about human variation – Marks (Human Evolutionary Biology) (copy and paste that URL into your browser because just clicking on it may not work)

·        The NFL's Racist 'Race Norming' Is an Afterlife of Slavery

·        Surprise! Africans are not all the same (or why we need diversity in science) – Lasisi

·        America's Hidden History: The Eugenics Movement:

·        'National Geographic' Reckons With Its Past: 'For Decades, Our Coverage Was Racist'

·        There's no such thing as a 'pure' European—or anyone else – Gibbons (Science)

·        Frederick Douglass's fight against scientific racism – Herschthal (NYT)

·        The unwelcome revival of race science—Evans  (The Guardian)

·        Why America's Black Mothers and Babies Are in a Life-or-Death Crisis - Villarosa (The New York Times)

·        Being black in America can be hazardous to your health – Khazan (The Atlantic)


Prompt 36. Sex, Gender, and Human Evolution. Taking into account anything from this course, and your life, answer these two prompts citing at least one source for each (still, one page is all you need): (1) Sex is not gender and gender is not sex: what does that mean? (2) Contemplate how and/or why old/bad science encouraged people to deem women "inferior.”





[Prompt 37 is not yet written for this year. It will be a lot like previous years. It will include a letter-to-day-one-self as well as a self-grade, but there are always a few more specific questions about evolution here as well (but no reading, etc).]